One of the big differences between The Bridge and other gap programs is the amount of support available. This allows young adults to bring their potential to reality within an environment of safety and encouragement. As one of our alumni said: |
Therapy at The Bridge never felt forced. You weren’t walking around thinking you were something broken that needed to be fixed. More than anything it felt like a group of people working together toward our own growth. |
At The Bridge, we are focused on the goal of the student reaching independence, fulfillment and a productive healthy lifestyle, and we tailor our support to what they need individually:
One on One SupportTherapists and coaches overlap to spend most of the week with the students. Therapists and coaches are part of meals, sports, recreational activities and Aventuras, and are available for individual meetings at any time. This way, personal growth is integrated to daily life and students can feel their process of reflection and change impact their lives directly. In addition, students can schedule at least one weekly session with their therapist to check in and continue reflecting on their experiences.
FamilyFamilies of students are an integral part of The Bridge community. They are welcome to come visit and participate of anything going on in the house, like cooking a meal with your child, participating of a mindfulness workshop, going to community service or a weekend activity. Bridge therapists have a weekly 30-minute call with parents, and are in touch via email consistently. Family dynamics is an important goal for all students’ processes, so conference family calls, letter-writing and any other communication strategy is available to improve the relationships.
GroupsBridge students will often call their peer group a family, brotherhood, sisterhood or tribe. Students work together in many group projects, as well as take care of the house together (grocery shopping, chores, cooking, budgeting, etc.) with staff support. There are two groups per week, where students have an opportunity to give and receive support, as well as troubleshoot community issues.
PsychiatryThis service is available for students who come into the program with medication or believe they can benefit from it.
RecoveryThe Bridge does not have weekly recovery meetings at the Bridge House, but 12-steps groups and substance abuse counseling is available for those who want to make it a part of their personal growth process.